Master a Language: 20 Apps That Get Results

Language learners may be excited to hear that their studying will not only help them become more fluent, but may also improve other areas of their lives. Find out the many benefits of learning another language and a few tools that could help you to get there.

Good for Your Brain

Image credit: Shutterstock / Sergey Nivens

Learning a new language is good for building your memory, critical thinking skills, and ability to problem solve. Multilingual people tend to have more advanced brain structures and higher creativity levels.

The Ability to Multitask

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

When you’re learning another language, you have to think, speak, and listen, all usually at the same time. Luckily, this could build your multitasking skills in other areas of your life as well.

Advancing Your Career

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These days, many people speak more than one language. As companies become more international, being bilingual or multilingual could help you to secure your next job or impress your boss enough to give a big promotion.

Creating More Educational Opportunities

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There may be a chance your language learning could help you with other academic achievements. Studying abroad and speaking multiple languages can open doors to new programs and opportunities, creating more room for academic growth.

Building Your Confidence

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Learning a new language often requires you to step out of your boundaries and practice speaking. While this can be overwhelming at first, experts agree that language learning is one of the best ways to become a more confident person.

Communicating With Others

Image credit: Shutterstock / Sun Shock

Speaking another language naturally creates opportunities for communication with people who may not speak your native language. But learning a new language also requires you to think differently about each language and makes you more aware of grammar and language construction.

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Becoming an Empathetic Person

Image credit: Shutterstock / Ekateryna Zubal

The process of learning a new language can be frustrating. This perspective may be helpful to understanding the struggles of others in similar situations, such as immigrants and expats.

A Sense of Community

Image Credit: Shutterstock/ Antonio Guillem

Learners tend to stick together. Whether you meet people who are studying the same language as you or bond with new people in your target language, the process of language learning can create a feel of community.

More Fun Travel Experience

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All of the time spent studying eventually pays off! Travel can be much more enjoyable when you understand the local language. Even if your destination country has a different language, many language families share similar features and you may find yourself understanding more than you expect.

Improved Listening Skills

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

Linguistics activates a different part of the brain. One of the key elements of understanding a language is building listening skills, which can help you to be a better listener in other areas of your life as well.

Resilience Against Cognitive Decline

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

Many studies have shown that adults who speak more than one language tend to show slower mental aging. Strengthening your brain through language learning may help to delay the effects of diseases such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Language Learning Apps

Image credit: Shutterstock / Daxiao Productions

One of the biggest deterrents to learning a new language is that people are busy, and practicing takes time. Luckily, the age of technology has brought us many language-learning apps that could benefit on-the-go learners.

1. Duolingo

Image Credit: Shutterstock/ Vitalii Matokha

Duolingo is a good choice for busy people who only have ten minutes daily to commit to their language learning. With fun games and quick daily lessons, Duolingo offers flexibility to learners who want a short daily practice or to compete in fun exercises with their friends.

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2. Babbel

Image credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

For serious learners with more free time, Babbel could be a solid choice. This app focuses on conversation and pronunciation practice, so this option may be better for those with the space and time to commit to practice.

3. Rosetta Stone

Image Credit: Pexel / cottonbro studio

If you’re looking to focus on specific topics of interest, Rosetta Stone has a combination of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation activities that focus on one area. For instance, you can focus on travel vocabulary and speaking exercises if you’re traveling soon.

4. HelloTalk

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HelloTalk is good for students who don’t have many opportunities to practice their language with native speakers. This app gives users access to a language exchange with native speakers through texts, phone calls, or video chats.

5. Pimsleur

Image Credit: Pexel / SHVETS production

For the exercise buffs, Pimsleur may be a better option. Following the Pimsleur method, this app focuses on speaking and listening, so you can practice your target language aloud while on a walk in the mornings or lifting in the gym.

6. Drops

Image Credit: Pexel / Tim Douglas

Drops is best for visual learners, who may struggle with other elements of language learning. This app matches pictures with vocabulary words, advancing a user’s vocabulary bank and giving them a visual to match with each word.

7. Netflix

Image credit: Shutterstock / Drazen Zigic

A Netflix subscription may be the language tool you already have in your back pocket. With plenty of shows from all around the world, Netflix could offer the chance for viewers to build listening skills while hearing local colloquialisms.

An Enriching Experience

Image Credit: Shutter stock / Vadym Pastukh

Overall, learning a new language offers many personal and professional benefits. The next time you’re thinking of your New Year’s Goals or considering what to do with your free time, give language learning a shot!

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gyorgy Barna.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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