Church Divided: How Politics is Splitting Congregations Across America

Church Divided: How Politics is Splitting Congregations Across America

Religion and politics have always been intertwined in America, but recent years have seen a sharp rise in polarization within churches.  The Great Divide Congregations are splitting along political lines, with conservative and liberal members increasingly attending different places of worship. According to Pew Research Center, many Americans who attend religious services say that the…

What’s Pushing Millennials Away From the Church?

What’s Pushing Millennials Away From the Church?

It’s no secret that millennials are abandoning traditional religious institutions at unprecedented rates. The question is, why? What has caused this mass exodus, and what does it mean for the future of faith? Changing Beliefs Millennials, more than any previous generation, are questioning established religious doctrines. According to a study by the Pew Research Center,…

Clothing and Creed: How America’s Faiths Are Expressed Through Dress

Clothing and Creed: How America’s Faiths Are Expressed Through Dress

Religious dress codes are a visible aspect of faith, but they can vary widely. Here’s a look at different religious dress practices across America: Embracing Modesty Many faiths, including Islam and Orthodox Judaism, emphasize modest attire. This can include long skirts, head coverings, and loose-fitting clothing. Symbolic Head Coverings Head coverings, such as hijabs, yarmulkes,…

Inside America’s Modern Cults: What You Need to Know

Inside America’s Modern Cults: What You Need to Know

Cults are evolving and thriving in modern America. Here’s a look at why they persist and how they operate: The Charismatic Leaders Cults often have charismatic leaders who attract followers with their charm and persuasive skills. These leaders promise answers to life’s biggest questions. Vulnerable Recruits People going through personal crises or major life transitions…

Wrestling with Doubt: Why It’s Okay to Question Your Faith

Wrestling with Doubt: Why It’s Okay to Question Your Faith

Faith is supposed to be unshakeable, right? It’s that solid ground you stand on when everything else is uncertain. But what happens when you start asking the tough questions—the ones that don’t have easy answers?  Can You Prove God Exists? Let’s start with the big one: can you really prove God exists, or is your…

Keeping the Custom, Losing the Faith: Why Some Rituals Never Die

Keeping the Custom, Losing the Faith: Why Some Rituals Never Die

Ever wondered why we still cling to religious customs, even when the faith behind them has faded? It’s like we’re going through the motions without the meaning. So, why do we keep doing it? Let’s break down some of the most common religious customs that have stuck around, even as the belief has slipped away….

Leaving Christianity: 20 Reasons Why It’s Happening

Leaving Christianity: 20 Reasons Why It’s Happening

Deciding to leave Christianity is a significant and personal journey that can bring a sense of freedom and self-discovery. Here are 20 compelling reasons why you might consider reevaluating your faith. 1. Hypocrisy in the Church Church leaders often preach morality but fail to practice what they preach. This hypocrisy can be disheartening and make…

Religious Taboos That Probably Shouldn’t Be Taboos at All

Religious Taboos That Probably Shouldn’t Be Taboos at All

You’ve encountered them—rules and prohibitions in various religions that might make you stop and think, “Why is this even a thing?” Religious taboos have shaped societies for centuries, guiding behavior and reinforcing beliefs. But as our world evolves, it’s worth asking: are some of these taboos still relevant, or have they become outdated restrictions that…

Freedom to Believe—or to Divide? The Dark Side of Religious Freedom in the U.S.

Freedom to Believe—or to Divide? The Dark Side of Religious Freedom in the U.S.

You’ve heard it countless times: religious freedom is a cornerstone of American identity, a right enshrined in the First Amendment, and celebrated as a beacon of liberty. But like all freedoms, it comes with its own set of challenges. In a nation as diverse as ours, is this freedom uniting us, or is it quietly…