The American Spirit is Fading—Here’s How to Bring It Back to Life

The American Spirit is Fading—Here’s How to Bring It Back to Life

You’ve felt it—something’s missing in our national conversation. The American spirit, once a beacon of resilience and innovation, seems dimmed. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. It’s time to reignite that spark and revive the American spirit, one step at a time. Reconnect with Our Communities The American spirit thrives on connection. Whether…

Religious Taboos That Probably Shouldn’t Be Taboos at All

Religious Taboos That Probably Shouldn’t Be Taboos at All

You’ve encountered them—rules and prohibitions in various religions that might make you stop and think, “Why is this even a thing?” Religious taboos have shaped societies for centuries, guiding behavior and reinforcing beliefs. But as our world evolves, it’s worth asking: are some of these taboos still relevant, or have they become outdated restrictions that…

The Loneliest States in America: Where Isolation Hits Hardest

The Loneliest States in America: Where Isolation Hits Hardest

Loneliness is more than just an emotional experience—it’s a growing public health concern. While it can affect anyone, certain states in America report higher levels of isolation and loneliness. Here’s a look at some of the loneliest states in the country, backed by research and data. Alaska: The Last Frontier, The Loneliest State Alaska’s stunning…

When State Pride Isn’t Shared: Traditions That Divide the Nation

When State Pride Isn’t Shared: Traditions That Divide the Nation

America is a patchwork of diverse traditions, and some state practices can be downright divisive. Here’s a look at the traditions that split the nation: The Barbecue Battle Texas vs. Carolina: Barbecue is serious business, and each state claims theirs is the best. From the sauce to the meat, this debate can get heated. The…

When Political Correctness Goes Too Far: The Clash With American Value

When Political Correctness Goes Too Far: The Clash With American Value

Have you noticed how hard it’s become to say what you really think? It feels like every word is under a microscope, and anything might offend someone. That’s political correctness at work, but what happens when it starts to clash with core American values like freedom, patriotism, and religion? Are we protecting people, or are…

Why Do Women of Color Have More Body Confidence Than White Women?

Why Do Women of Color Have More Body Confidence Than White Women?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt that familiar twinge of dissatisfaction? If you’re a white woman, you’re not alone. Recent research shows that white women are generally less confident about their bodies compared to women of color.  The Confidence Gap A 2022 study published in the Journal of Body Image found that…

Freedom to Believe—or to Divide? The Dark Side of Religious Freedom in the U.S.

Freedom to Believe—or to Divide? The Dark Side of Religious Freedom in the U.S.

You’ve heard it countless times: religious freedom is a cornerstone of American identity, a right enshrined in the First Amendment, and celebrated as a beacon of liberty. But like all freedoms, it comes with its own set of challenges. In a nation as diverse as ours, is this freedom uniting us, or is it quietly…