Parenting in the Digital Age: Should Kids Have Screen Time?

Parenting in the Digital Age: Should Kids Have Screen Time?

In this era of rapid technological advancement, screen time has become a hot-button issue for parents. Are you navigating this digital landscape effectively, or inadvertently setting your child up for challenges?  1. Developmental Delays Excessive screen time can lead to developmental delays in younger children. Are you monitoring the hours spent in front of a…

Spiritual Shift: America’s Move From Christianity to New Beliefs

Spiritual Shift: America’s Move From Christianity to New Beliefs

As traditional church pews gather dust, many Americans are trading hymnals for a smorgasbord of spiritual smorgasbords. From stargazing druids to gods of Wi-Fi and extraterrestrials, the spiritual marketplace is booming with alternatives. Here’s a look at the quirky, cosmic, and sometimes controversial new religions gaining ground as Americans search for meaning beyond the traditional…

Diet Disaster: Why Keto and Vegan Might Be Doing More Harm Than Good

Diet Disaster: Why Keto and Vegan Might Be Doing More Harm Than Good

In the quest for optimal health and quick weight loss, many turn to diets like Keto and Vegan. But are these restrictive eating plans benefiting our bodies, or could they be causing unintended harm? 1. Nutritional Deficiencies The Keto diet, with its low carb and high fat intake, can lead to deficiencies in fiber and…

Sip Wisely: Teas You Should Enjoy and Ones to Avoid

Sip Wisely: Teas You Should Enjoy and Ones to Avoid

When was the last time you checked the label on your tea? With a multitude of options at every turn, it’s tempting to think they all provide a health boost. Think again—some teas might be undercutting your health and wallet with less-than-savory ingredients. How can you distinguish the beneficial from the bogus? This guide isn’t…

Cultural Sensitivity Overload: Are We Too Politically Correct?

Cultural Sensitivity Overload: Are We Too Politically Correct?

As society pushes harder for inclusivity and cultural sensitivity, the dialogue around political correctness is reaching a boiling point. Are we so afraid of offending that we’ve lost sight of common sense?  1. Language Policing The drive to avoid offensive language can make people overly cautious, sometimes hindering honest dialogue. For example, debates around gender…

Confederate Statues Removed: What’s the Real Impact

Confederate Statues Removed: What’s the Real Impact

The debate over Confederate statues in the United States has prompted a national reevaluation of how history is commemorated in public spaces. How have different communities navigated this complex terrain, and what lessons can be learned from their experiences? 1. Promotes Healing and Inclusivity: Pro Removing Confederate statues, as seen in New Orleans with the…

20th Century Warfare Innovations That Changed Everything

20th Century Warfare Innovations That Changed Everything

The 20th century witnessed unprecedented changes in the art of warfare, largely due to technological innovations. Have you ever wondered how these advancements shaped the conflicts of the past and the strategies of today? 1. The Introduction of Tanks Tanks revolutionized ground combat when they first rolled onto the battlefields of World War I. Their…

Milestone Mayhem: How to Celebrate Classic Family Milestones with Love, Laughter, and Avoid a Side of Drama or Disaster

Milestone Mayhem: How to Celebrate Classic Family Milestones with Love, Laughter, and Avoid a Side of Drama or Disaster

Celebrating family milestones is an art form that balances joy and potential chaos. Have you ever wondered how to make these events memorable without the unwanted drama? Here’s how to navigate the celebrations of life’s key moments with grace and fun. 1. First Steps Celebrate your child’s first steps with encouraging words and a gentle…