15 Ways to Achieve Career Success in Your 60s

15 Ways to Achieve Career Success in Your 60s

According to news reports, the U.S. job market is robust, and employers are desperate for workers. Despite these claims, many people, especially those over 60, struggle to find employment. Being a mature jobseeker doesn’t mean being automatically excluded from the workforce. There are several things experienced workers can do to land their ideal position. People…

25 States That Will Surprise You With Their Charm

25 States That Will Surprise You With Their Charm

Across the United States, some states capture the hearts and itineraries of many, while others remain quietly on the sidelines, overshadowed or misunderstood. These 25 states, facing what you might call a popularity crisis, are brimming with hidden wonders, cultural riches, and natural beauty, awaiting those willing to look beyond the usual tourist trails. Here’s…

Prayer and Politics: The Increasing Polarization of American Churches

Prayer and Politics: The Increasing Polarization of American Churches

Religion and politics have always been intertwined in America, but recent years have seen a sharp rise in polarization within churches.  The Great Divide Congregations are splitting along political lines, with conservative and liberal members increasingly attending different places of worship. According to Pew Research Center, many Americans who attend religious services say that the…

Sacred Skepticism: Why Doubt is the New Faith

Sacred Skepticism: Why Doubt is the New Faith

In an age of information overload and scientific advancement, doubt is becoming a significant part of modern spirituality. Sacred skepticism, where questioning and critical thinking are central, is gaining traction, especially among younger generations. Questioning Tradition Gen Z and millennials are more likely to question traditional religious beliefs and practices. The Pew Research Center reports…

God in the Digital Age: How Social Media is Shaping Modern Belief

God in the Digital Age: How Social Media is Shaping Modern Belief

Social media is transforming how people engage with their faith. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok are no longer just for sharing selfies and memes—they’re also becoming places for spiritual growth and building community. Virtual Congregations Virtual congregations are on the rise, live-streamed services, online Bible studies and prayer groups are becoming increasingly popular. Religious…

From Pews to Protests: How Activism is Replacing Sunday Service

From Pews to Protests: How Activism is Replacing Sunday Service

Sunday service attendance is dwindling, but a new form of devotion is emerging.  Activism as the New Worship Activism is taking the place of traditional worship for many, particularly among younger generations. According to the Pew Research Center, only 28% of millennials attend religious services weekly, while a growing number are engaging in social justice…

Holy Shift: The Rise of New Age Spirituality Among Gen Z

Holy Shift: The Rise of New Age Spirituality Among Gen Z

Move over, traditional religion—there’s a new spiritual wave rising among Gen Z. New Age spirituality, with its eclectic mix of practices and beliefs, is captivating the hearts and minds of the younger generation. The Allure of Individualism Unlike structured religions, New Age spirituality emphasizes individualism and personal growth. Gen Z values the freedom to explore…