Wrestling with Doubt: Why It’s Okay to Question Your Faith
Faith is supposed to be unshakeable, right? It’s that solid ground you stand on when everything else is uncertain. But what happens when you start asking the tough questions—the ones that don’t have easy answers?
Can You Prove God Exists?
Let’s start with the big one: can you really prove God exists, or is your belief just based on faith? If you can’t prove it, does that make your faith any less valid, or is belief without evidence enough for you? This question forces you to confront the very foundation of your spirituality.
If God Is All-Powerful, Why Does Evil Exist?
If God is all-powerful and all-good, why does evil even exist? Why doesn’t He just eliminate it? This isn’t just a philosophical puzzle—it’s a question that cuts right to the heart of what kind of God you believe in.
Are Religious Beliefs Just a Product of Where You Were Born?
Would you believe in the same God if you were born in another country with a different dominant religion? This question challenges the idea that your faith is the “one true belief” and forces you to consider how much of it is shaped by geography and culture.
Why Do We Believe in a God We Can’t See?
Believing in something you’ve never seen is a huge leap—why do we do it? Does the fact that millions believe make it true, or is it just a shared delusion? This question asks you to grapple with the nature of faith itself.
Why Is God Silent?
When you pray and ask for guidance or help, why does it often feel like you’re met with silence? If God is supposed to be there for us, why isn’t He more obvious? This question challenges the idea of a personal, communicative deity.
How Do You Reconcile Science with Religion?
Science explains so much about our world, often in ways that contradict religious teachings. Can you really reconcile the two, or are you choosing to ignore the contradictions? This question pushes you to confront the tension between faith and reason.
What If There’s No Afterlife?
What if everything you believe about the afterlife is wrong, and there’s nothing after death? Does that change how you live your life now? This question isn’t just about fear—it’s about the meaning you derive from your faith.
Why Do Good People Suffer While Bad People Prosper?
We’ve all seen it: good people struggling while the corrupt seem to thrive. If God is just, why does this happen? This question forces you to rethink what you know about divine justice and fairness.
Are Miracles Just Coincidences?
You might believe in miracles, but what if they’re just rare coincidences? How do you distinguish between divine intervention and random chance? This question asks you to scrutinize what you’ve always accepted as miraculous.
What If Everything You Believe Is Wrong?
This one’s brutal: what if everything you’ve been taught, everything you’ve based your life on, is wrong? Would you be willing to accept it, or would you cling to your beliefs regardless? This question tests the very limits of your faith.
Why Does God Need Worship?
Why would an all-powerful, self-sufficient God need humans to worship Him? Is it for our benefit, or does it suggest something more about the nature of God? This question makes you reconsider the purpose of worship in your faith.
Why Are Religious Leaders Often Corrupt?
If religion is supposed to be about goodness, why do we see so many scandals among religious leaders? Does this hypocrisy shake your faith, or do you see it as separate from your personal beliefs? This question challenges the integrity of religious institutions.
Can You Be Spiritual Without Being Religious?
Is it possible to connect with the divine without following a structured religion? This question invites you to explore whether religion is necessary for a relationship with God or if spirituality can stand on its own.
What About the Horrors Committed in God’s Name?
Throughout history, terrible acts have been committed in the name of religion. How do you reconcile your faith with this bloody past? This question forces you to confront the darker side of religious history.
Is Faith Just a Comforting Illusion?
Finally, is faith just something we cling to because the alternative—life without meaning or purpose—is too terrifying to face? This question asks you to look at faith from a brutally honest perspective and decide whether it’s based on truth or just a coping mechanism.
Millennials Turn the Tide on Climate Beliefs
Millennials have often been labeled as apathetic, but when it comes to climate change, they are leading the charge. How did this generation go from skepticism to becoming fervent advocates for the planet? Millennials Turn the Tide on Climate Beliefs
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Throughout American military history, numerous units have demonstrated extraordinary bravery and made significant sacrifices, yet many have not received the recognition they deserve. This article shines a light on these overlooked groups whose valiant efforts are an integral part of our nation’s heritage. Forgotten Warriors: 20 Military Units History Erased
Why You Shouldn’t Live in a Retirement Community
Think you’re ready to settle into a retirement community? Before making this significant life decision, consider how it might impact your independence, finances, and social life in ways you hadn’t anticipated. Why You Shouldn’t Live in a Retirement Community
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