Why Prioritizing Health Is a Luxury Most Women Can’t Afford

Overwhelmed, stressed, and juggling too much, most U.S. women can barely find time to breathe, let alone prioritize their health according to a new Hologic-Gallup poll.

Women Drowning in Health Neglect

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Women in the U.S., especially young women, are finding their own healthcare needs falling to the bottom of the to-do list. A whopping 63% of women report challenges at work, feeling overwhelmed, and caring for others as greater priorities.

Gen Z: The Most Stressed-Out Generation?

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An extraordinarily high number of Gen Z young women (72%) say they can’t prioritize their health. Millennials (70%) and Gen X (68%) aren’t far behind, showing that the struggle spans across younger generations. These numbers reveal a disturbing trend: younger generations are consistently overwhelmed and sidelining their own well-being. 

The Overwhelm Epidemic

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The top excuse for why women can’t put their health first? Feeling overwhelmed. 

A massive 72% of women struggling to prioritize health say this, with Gen Z adults (83%) using the excuse more than Millenials (73%), Gen X (74%), and Boomers (64%). 

The Never-Ending Balancing Act

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From caring for others to working insane hours, women are caught in a never-ending balancing act. More than half of the women who find it difficult to prioritize their health point to their mental or emotional well-being, the need to care for family members first, a lack of time, and work demands as the main reasons holding them back.

The Motherhood Dilemma

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75% of women with kids under 18 at home report that it’s tough to make their health a top priority compared to 58% of women not caring for children. Choosing between their own health and their kids’ needs is a daily struggle. Too often, moms come last, making self-care a rare luxury rather than a daily necessity.

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Putting Others First

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For women with young children, self-care is an afterthought. Nearly nine in ten say that caring for others trumps caring for themselves. They’re also almost twice as likely to say they can’t make their own health a top priority. When it comes to healthcare, there really aren’t enough hours in the day.

What Takes Center Stage?

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Mental and emotional health issues are the top concerns for U.S. women, with half of them saying it’s their number one priority. Yet, these same issues are stopping them from taking care of their overall health. The same poll found that mental health issues are preventing women from taking care of their overall health. It’s a vicious cycle that’s hard to break.

Top Priority, But Still a Barrier

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If women put mental and emotional health at the top of their list, why is it still dragging them down? One word: access. The reality is, quality mental healthcare is hard to come by. And it’s even tougher for younger Americans, who are often priced out of decent care or can’t find a provider who’s taking new patients. So, it’s no surprise that their mental health continues to be a roadblock.

Other Health Concerns

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When women think about their health, they’re not just thinking about mental wellness. 47% of women report getting enough sleep as their top health priority, while others report concerns about their weight40%), nutrition/diet (37%), and chronic conditions (35%) as what keeps them up at night.

Not Enough Time, Not Enough Money

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Younger women report lacking the time and money to make health a priority. Adult Gen Zers and millennials are more likely to say they don’t have enough time or money, with financial constraints making wellness seem like a luxury. They’re too busy hustling, and the paycheck isn’t stretching far enough.

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Unattainable Work/Life Balance

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With work taking over their lives, women find it impossible to prioritize health. Half of the women who say it’s hard to prioritize health (51%) cite work as a major barrier. 

Women and Politics: Feeling Unheard

Image Credit: Shutterstock / THICHA SATAPITANON

Nearly half of the women surveyed (46%) don’t believe their elected officials prioritize women’s health. When the system doesn’t have your back, it’s hard to focus on what matters most. It’s time for policy changes that reflect the realities of women’s lives.

The Long-Term Impact of Health Neglect

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Ignoring health in the younger years isn’t just a problem for now. It sets up long-term issues that can plague women as they age. Women facing these barriers could suffer significant long-term effects, from chronic conditions to mental health crises.

The Bottom Line

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

Women in the U.S. are struggling to make their health a priority, with younger women facing the biggest hurdles. From mental health to time constraints, the barriers are real, and they’re affecting lives. If we don’t address these issues now, we’re setting up future generations for failure.

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Featured Image Credit: Pexels / Ketut Subiyanto.

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