Ignored Wisdom: 15 Times Boomers’ Life Lessons Fell on Deaf Millennial Ears

Ignored Wisdom: 15 Times Boomers’ Life Lessons Fell on Deaf Millennial Ears

We’ve all heard the advice of the Baby Boomers and how things were way back when. But millennials seem to be doing things differently, through choice or not – ignoring these tips from the older generation. #1. “Buy a House as Soon as You Can” Boomers often tout home ownership as a cornerstone of financial…

Finding Joy in Splurges: 12 Amusing Excuses for Buying Unnecessary Items

Finding Joy in Splurges: 12 Amusing Excuses for Buying Unnecessary Items

Ah, the art of justification! When it comes to shopping, our minds can be incredibly creative, especially when rationalizing purchases we don’t necessarily need. From the allure of sales to the promise of self-improvement, here are 12 humorously relatable excuses we’ve all used to justify our more questionable shopping decisions. #1. The Self-Care Advocate “Self-care…