Truth or Hype? Millennials Weigh in on Climate Change

Truth or Hype? Millennials Weigh in on Climate Change

Are millennials buying into the climate chaos narrative, or do they think it’s all a hoax? Here’s what they have to say about the truth behind the headlines. 1. Scientific Consensus Millennials trust the overwhelming scientific consensus that climate change is real. They believe in the credibility of scientists and their research. 2. Personal Experience…

The Future May Be Uncertain, but Your Happiness Is in Your Hands

The Future May Be Uncertain, but Your Happiness Is in Your Hands

Feeling uncertain about the future? It’s time to take control and future-proof your happiness. Here’s how to stay positive even when the world seems unpredictable. 1. Embrace Change Accept that change is a constant part of life. Embracing it rather than resisting it helps you stay adaptable and positive. 2. Focus on What You Can…

My Take on Intermittent Fasting: What Worked and What Didn’t

My Take on Intermittent Fasting: What Worked and What Didn’t

Curious about intermittent fasting and whether it’s the right fit for you? I gave it a go and here’s what I found out about what worked and what didn’t. 1. Weight Loss Success Intermittent fasting helped me shed a few pounds. By restricting my eating window, I naturally consumed fewer calories. 2. Improved Energy Levels…

How Patriotism Is Used to Silence Dissent in America

How Patriotism Is Used to Silence Dissent in America

What does it really mean to be patriotic? In the U.S., patriotism is often wielded as a tool to suppress dissent, discouraging people from speaking out against injustice. Here’s how this tactic plays out across various aspects of American life. The “Un-American” Label Criticizing government actions or social issues? You might quickly be branded “un-American.”…

10 Ways American Values Are Being Eroded by Corporate Interests

10 Ways American Values Are Being Eroded by Corporate Interests

Ever feel like something’s off with how things are run in America? You’re not alone. Corporate interests are increasingly clashing with core American values, and the consequences are hard to ignore. Here’s how it’s happening. 1. Eroding Democracy Corporate money has flooded politics, giving big business a louder voice than the average citizen. Lobbyists influence…